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Artificial intelligence in games: how NPCs become smarter

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The evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) in video games has transformed the way players engage with non-playable characters (NPCs), making virtual worlds more immersive, challenging, and dynamic. Over the years, NPCs have evolved from predictable, scripted entities to adaptive, intelligent characters capable of responding to player actions in real-time. This shift is largely due to advancements in AI technologies, which have reshaped NPC behavior and enriched the gaming experience. Here’s how AI has made NPCs smarter, and what it means for the future of gaming.

The Early Days: Scripted NPCs

In the early days of video games, NPCs operated on simple, scripted behaviors. These early NPCs were programmed to follow rigid, predetermined paths or routines, which made their actions highly predictable. A classic example of this can be seen in games like Pac-Man or Super Mario Bros., where enemies moved along fixed routes or followed basic attack patterns. More advanced in-game technologies and valorant roster news are covered on egw regularly. Their behavior didn’t change based on the player’s actions, creating a static and repetitive challenge.

These early NPCs relied on hardcoded logic, meaning they would react to specific conditions in the game environment but lacked the ability to adapt or learn. For instance, in Pac-Man, the ghosts each had a specific movement pattern. Blinky, the red ghost, would chase the player directly, while others like Inky or Clyde followed different, predictable paths. Players could learn these patterns over time, reducing the challenge and creating a sense of mastery over the game.

This design worked well in simpler games where the primary focus was on fast-paced action or puzzle-solving. However, as games became more complex, the limitations of scripted NPCs became more apparent. Players began to expect more dynamic, lifelike interactions, especially as the hardware improved and game narratives became deeper.

Despite these limitations, early scripted NPCs laid the groundwork for future AI developments. They introduced the concept of adversaries and allies in games, even if their behavior was rudimentary. These early NPCs also set the stage for the evolution of NPCs that could react more intelligently to player actions, paving the way for more advanced AI systems that would follow in later generations.

Artificial intelligence in games

The Rise of Decision Trees and Finite State Machines

As video games grew more sophisticated, developers began exploring ways to make NPCs more interactive and responsive to player behavior. This led to the introduction of decision trees and finite state machines (FSMs), which provided NPCs with a greater capacity for decision-making. These methods allowed NPCs to transition between different states based on specific conditions, making their behavior appear more adaptive and dynamic.

A decision tree is a branching model where NPCs follow a series of “if-then” conditions to determine their actions. Each branch represents a possible decision or action the NPC can take based on the current state of the game. While still relatively simple, decision trees allow for more variation in NPC behavior, making them appear smarter and less predictable.

For example, in games like The Sims or Civilization, NPCs use decision trees to make choices such as selecting actions or responding to environmental stimuli. In a game like The Sims, a character might choose to eat, sleep, or interact with another character based on their needs at a given moment. Some players may wonder how long are csgo games and what csgo cases have butterfly knives if they are fond of more competitive games than the above-mentioned titles. These decisions are determined by evaluating a sequence of conditions (e.g., hunger, fatigue, social needs), making NPC behavior feel more lifelike.

Finite state machines (FSMs) are another AI technique used to give NPCs more structured behavior. An FSM consists of a set of predefined “states” that an NPC can be in, such as “idle,” “patrol,” “chase,” or “attack.” NPCs transition between these states based on specific triggers, such as player actions or environmental changes.

For example, in stealth games like Metal Gear Solid or Splinter Cell, NPC guards might follow a set patrol route while in the “patrol” state. If the player makes a noise or is spotted, the NPC transitions to the “alert” or “search” state, changing its behavior to actively look for the player. If the player is found, the NPC switches to the “attack” state and engages in combat. This system creates the illusion of intelligence, as NPCs appear to react to the player’s actions in a logical manner.

In many modern games, decision trees and FSMs are combined to create more flexible and realistic NPC behavior. For instance, an NPC might use a decision tree to evaluate its environment and make a choice, and then enter a corresponding state within a finite state machine. This hybrid approach enables more dynamic behavior while keeping the underlying AI systems manageable.

For example, in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, guards use decision trees to evaluate their surroundings (e.g., whether they’ve heard a noise or spotted the player), and then use finite state machines to switch between states like “patrol,” “search,” or “combat.” This combination gives the guards a sense of awareness and intelligence, as they react to both the player and the environment in a more organic way.

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Machine Learning and Procedural Generation: A Leap Forward

Machine learning allows NPCs to learn from data rather than relying solely on pre-programmed behaviors. Through iterative processes, ML algorithms enable NPCs to adapt to new situations, optimize strategies, and even learn from the player’s actions, resulting in more intelligent and less predictable characters.

A prominent example of machine learning in gaming is OpenAI’s Dota 2 bot, which used reinforcement learning (a type of ML) to train against itself for thousands of games. Through this process, the bot was able to learn complex strategies, coordinate with teammates, and eventually outperform professional human players. The bot didn’t rely on predefined scripts but instead learned to adapt to various in-game situations, crafting unique responses based on its training data.

In contrast to traditional AI approaches, where developers must program specific behaviors for every possible scenario, machine learning empowers NPCs to discover optimal actions on their own. This opens up new possibilities for games where NPCs become more challenging and engaging the more you play, as they adapt to your strategies in real time.

Procedural generation refers to the use of algorithms to automatically generate game content, such as levels, environments, or even NPC behaviors, without the need for manual design. While procedural generation is often associated with creating vast, unique game worlds (as seen in games like Minecraft and No Man’s Sky), it also plays a critical role in enhancing NPC intelligence and variability.

In terms of NPC behavior, procedural generation can be used to create unique, emergent scenarios that challenge players in unpredictable ways. One notable example is the AI Director in Left 4 Dead. The AI Director dynamically adjusts the game’s difficulty by analyzing player performance and determining when and where to spawn enemies, health packs, or other in-game events. The system keeps the game fresh and exciting by ensuring that no two playthroughs are exactly alike. This creates a sense of tension, as players can’t predict when or where the next challenge will arise.

Procedural generation is also used to create varied NPC personalities and behaviors, ensuring that interactions feel more unique. In Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, the Nemesis system procedurally generates enemy orcs with distinct traits, appearances, and behaviors, based on the player’s previous encounters. Orcs that survive a battle with the player remember the encounter, hold grudges, and may evolve their tactics, making each playthrough highly personalized and engaging.

Challenges and Ethical Considerations

While AI has made NPCs smarter and games more immersive, it also presents several challenges. One concern is balancing difficulty; NPCs that are too smart could alienate casual players, while those that are too predictable might bore experienced gamers. Additionally, ethical considerations arise when AI systems are used to manipulate player behavior, such as adjusting difficulty or creating scenarios to encourage microtransactions.

Another concern is ensuring that AI advancements are used to enhance gameplay rather than replace it. While smarter NPCs can make games more engaging, developers must strike a balance between AI-driven interactions and maintaining the player’s sense of agency and control.

As AI continues to advance, the line between NPCs and human players will blur. Future games may feature NPCs capable of learning, adapting, and interacting with players in ways that are indistinguishable from real humans. With the integration of technologies like deep learning, NLP, and reinforcement learning, NPCs will become more intelligent, versatile, and emotionally responsive, leading to richer, more personalized gaming experiences.


The rise of AI in gaming has transformed NPCs from static, scripted entities into dynamic, adaptive characters that can interact with players in complex ways. As this technology continues to evolve, it will revolutionize how we experience virtual worlds, creating smarter NPCs and deeper, more meaningful interactions. The future of gaming promises not only smarter NPCs but also a new era of immersive, player-driven storytelling.

Emily, a writer and retro music enthusiast at Upbeat Geek, delves into the history of music and pop culture, spotlighting legendary artists and trends. A fixture at festivals and concerts, she brings the latest in music lore to the forefront. Emily’s love for music research is matched by her enjoyment of leisurely Sunday walks with her dog, Lee, reflecting her areas of writing: music and pop culture.

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